Automation of
Network Operation
with Ansible

Network Automation Service

A complete package of services is provided, ranging from operation consulting tailored to each client to actual automation implementation, and ultimately to the training needed for the client to autonomously make use of the automation.

Make automation your own

Our goal is for our clients to be able to carry out the automation of their network operations on their own. The ability to run a continuous improvement cycle led by your engineers, rather than vendors, will not only reduce the cost of vendor outsourcing, but will also improve the motivation and skills of engineers.


Implement Ansible systems for the
automation of network operation.

Professional service

Provide consulting and support
for advanced automation.

Support ticketing

Provide troubleshooting and technical support
via ticketing system.


Provide training using curriculums customized
for individual companies.

Advantages of automation of network operation
  • Continuous guarantee of high-quality network operations

    The operation quality becomes uniformed and is not affected by any system configuration changes.

  • Maximisation of the cost performance of network operation

    Automation reduces the number of labour hours and human resources.

  • Optimisation of engineer arrangements and effective use of engineer resources

    The realisation of these two points will allow engineers to have more time to focus on new value creations and essential issues that they have not been able to look at before.

Our service menu

1. Implementation

Auntomation startup

We implement Ansible systems for the automation of network operation and provide best practices for companies that are just starting.

We deploy Ansible systems through the following three steps to drive automation in your organisation.

Phase 1
Consultation of business processes

A range of business processes is analysed and then converted to processes that can be automated. Tasks that are difficult to be automated are reviewed to create new processes suitable for automation.

Phase 2
Implementation of Ansible Engine

We create Playbooks of the procedures in the converted processes and build a system to maintain the quality of the Playbooks that clients will create by themselves.
In addition, GitLab is installed to manage the versions of the configurations and Playbooks and keep track of who changed what and when.

Phase 3
Implementation of Ansible Tower

Using the workflow function, the Playbooks created in Phase 2 are imported to achieve the automation of a range of business processes. Similar to a self-service portal, available GUIs, permission management and execution history management can be implemented to provide an optimal automation solution for the enterprises.

Network Automation Cycle

* Ansible Engine ― a paid version of Ansible, a tool that can configure devices as described in a script called Playbook where procedures are written
* Ansible Tower ― a web-based tool that can manage the executions of Ansible like a self-service portal
* GitLab ― a web-based source code management (SCM) tool

2. Professional service

Professional service

Our highly-skilled engineers work with you to meet your challenges, whether they are advanced automation implementation matters or consulting matters. We draw on our knowledge as an automation professional to provide support to our clients.
If you could provide us your company’s accounts, we can provide continuous online support in promoting automation just like your company’s engineers.

3. Support ticketing

ticket service

This is a ticketed technical support service designed to support stable operations by our client themselves after the implementation of automation services.
We provide technical support for troubleshooting of implemented middlewares, systems, and Ansible materials, as well as ongoing Ansible development.

4. Training


We provide tailored online trainings and can also customize curriculums for individual companies.
The training content is divided into basic and advanced sections, with the option to choose either or both the server or network section from the advanced section.


At AP Communications Co., Ltd., we provide a high quality service, in partnership with Red Hat Inc.

Ansible Acceleration Partner Program

Red Hat

Service Provider / Inquiry to

AP Communications

AP Communications Co., Ltd.

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