ABOUTCorporate philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

This company offers the possibility to all of its engineers of fulfilling their dreams. Our mission is to increase the number of engineers who can take their clients seriously. To accomplish this, we are serious in always thinking about what will put smiles on our engineers' and clients' faces; it is our vision to do so. We considered other phrases, including Making Our Clients Happy or Change the Industry, but each felt at variance with what we sought to express, and ultimately we selected Smile. It's a word that brings to mind the image of a happy face, something that just about anyone can readily envision.

To achieve this, we will need to offer more interesting systems integration and services; continue to create more interesting original products; provide training systems with ever increasing quality; cultivate influencers who are ever more appealing; further strengthen our links abroad; and create an environment where engineers are passionate. For this reason, we have set ourselves the mission of being a company that engineers are passionate about.

We also wish to create a future that will put smiles on the faces of engineers around the world.

Putting smiles on the faces of our engineers and clients

By swelling the ranks of engineers able to realize their dreams and by increasing business value for clients, we will create a future that will put smiles on the faces of both groups.

Be a business that engineers are passionate about

To make this vision a reality, we must be a business that engineers are passionate about. We create an environment, make use of technologies, and implement ways of working that engineers can be passionate about—and convey this passion to our clients and to engineers around the world.

Eliminate pretense in pursuit of substance

By eliminating pretenses and pursuing substance, we efficiently create the outcomes that both our staff and clients deserve.

Regard engineers as our core

Our highest priority in making business decisions is to create vectors towards the optimization of engineer motivation and performance.

Take users seriously

Rather than being satisfied with having acted, we regularly take into consideration what our actions do, for whom, and how they are useful.

Transcend convention

Our staff, regardless of department, region, area of expertise, or career path, respect each other and cooperate in observance of our values. We seek to surpass our own current limits, our clients' expectations, and common practices in society.

Hold informal discussions

Regardless of differences in position, we hold free-wheeling discussions both online and offline. Because of this, our staff can freely ask questions and express opinions without needing anonymity.