

We announce the "8a1" APC Workshops #12 and #13, which will be held in January 2015

We announce the "8a1" APC Workshop that will be held in January 2015 The venue for all meetings will be our ECHO offices.
Persons who wish to learn more or take part, please see the URL below (external site: connpass).

▼January 16 (Fri.) Android app development using AWS SDK for Android APC Workshop #12
From a simple API introduction for AWS SDK for Android, to specific reference examples of accessing AWS with an Android app, we introduce it while showing the actual source code.

▼January 21 (Fri.) Techniques for significantly speeding up evaluation of web development with Jenkins and Selenium APC Workshop #13
We give an introduction to how project management be made more efficient, and in what way highly accurate testing including UI be realized, by using the continuous integration tool "Jenkins" and UI verification tool "Selenium", which match the drift towards automization.

■ "8a1" APC Workshop management site