

From October 22 (Wed.), over three days, we will hold APC Technical Workshop #5 – inviting Heroku, Inc. evangelist, Mr. Aizawa

From October 22 (Wed.), over three days, we will be holding a workshop at our office ECHO, inviting Heroku, Inc. of America's developer marketing and technical account manager, and committer to the Ruby programming language, Ayumu Aizawa.

Day 1: Scheduled to be held on October 22 (Wed.)
We will give an overview of a platform cloud, and its function, that maximizes the productivity of application developers, as well as discussing the product design concept (12 Factor Application).

Day 2: Scheduled to be held on November 5 (Wed.)
We will give a simple introduction to the internal structure of Heroku, and introduce the product from the viewpoints of "what kinds of components Heroku itself is made up of?" and "what can be done using it?".

Day 3: Scheduled to be held on February 10, 2015 (Tue.)
Several products developed by our company are deployed on Heroku, and we share some of the knowledge we have gained through the experience with participants. In addition, once you have created a configuration that is deployable to Heroku, we introduce the "Heroku Button", that can make its replication easier.

Persons who wish to learn more or take part, please see the URL below (external site: connpass).

▼Heroku, Inc. evangelist Mr. Aizawa talks Day 1 "What is Heroku?" APC Workshop #5

▼Heroku, Inc. evangelist Mr. Aizawa talks Day 2 "How it works?" APC Workshop #7

▼Heroku, Inc. evangelist Mr. Aizawa talks Day 3 "Examples and Tricks for porting apps" APC Workshop #15